Documenting My Learning Adventures 🌱 #
- Note to Self: Capturing Insights and Lessons Learned
- Accumulate little into more, gather sand into a tower
- Use Stones from Another Mountain to Polish One’s Jade
Blogs #
- Rust type categories - 2024-12-17
- Hardware speeds are shifting - 2024-05-30
- Reference in Rust vs. C++ - 2024-03-20
- Durability: Linux File APIs - 2023-11-29
- Replicating Database Changes to a Message Queue is Tricky - 2023-11-27
- Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service with MetalLB - 2023-05-24
- Leak debugging with LeakSanitizer - 2023-05-22
- big-endian vs. little-endian - 2023-05-16
- Case-(in)sensitive, collation and quote in different DBMSs - 2023-04-21
- Connecting Clickhouse to pupular OLTP DBMSs - 2023-04-20
- …
Architecture #
- Modern Multi-Core Processor Basics
- Programming paradigms
- What is Service Mesh
- Structure Member Alignment, Padding and Data Packing
- Memory consistency models
- Distributed system concepts
Databases #
- Database Storage Part 1
- Database Storage Part 2
- Database Storage Models
- Database Memory Managemnt
- Concurrency Control Theory
- Two-Phase Locking
- Timestamp Ordering Concurrency Control
- Multi-Version Concurrency Control
- Logging Schemes
- Database Crash Recovery
- Introduction to Distributed Databases
- Distributed OLTP Databases
- Distributed OLAP Databases
Data Structures #
- Postorder Traversal in 3 Ways
- Preorder Traversal in 2 Ways
- Inorder Traversal in 2 Ways
- Levelorder Traversal in 6 Ways
- B+ Tree
- AVL Tree
- Red-Black Tree
- Depth First Search (DFS) – Iterative and Recursive Implementation
- Breadth-First Search (BFS) – Iterative and Recursive Implementation
- Check if a graph contains a cycle in 3 ways